June 2016 – Prof. Joey Ocon, Assistant Professor in UP Diliman Department of Chemical Engineering and head of Laboratory of Electrochemical Engineering receives the “2016 UP Outstanding Engineering Researcher Award.” The award is given yearly by UP Diliman College of Engineering as citation for for outstanding research output and activities among UP College of Engineering faculty.
Prof. Ocon has authored and co-authored a total of 65 publications in his 7 years of service in the UP Diliman College of Engineering. These includes 28 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 1 paper in local journal, 1 book chapter and 29 conference presentations and public talks. His works mainly focuses on on electrochemical energy storage and conversion technologies studies.
Together with Prof. Ocon, other faculty member who were also awarded are as follows: Limcaoco Young Instructor Award for Teaching Excellence for Bemboy Nino Subosa, Outstanding Engineering Professor Award for Dr. Ariel Blanco, Outstanding Engineering Instructor Award for Edgardo Macatulad and UPAE Lifetime Achievement Award for Dr. Luis Manuel Alarilla, Jr.