LEE provided me the grand opportunity of a lifetime to be capable of generating and managing own ideas. The laboratory environment is conducive for exchange of ideas and synergistic collaboration between members; hands-on training not just on technical skills but also transferable skills such as, but not limited to research management and scientific communication; and opportunity for local and international travel and networking. The professionalization of research and development activities is highly present in LEE, something that is currently rare in the Philippines.
Engr. Eugene Esparcia Jr., M.Sc.
PhD Student
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
LEE has the three P’s (people, professor, program): 1) You’ve got to work with diligent and intelligent people—their hard work is contagious and they are a good professional network sometime in the future; 2) You will be guided by visionary professor/mentor in all aspects of personal and professional development; 3) at LEE you will be exposed to an excellent facility, you will be able to attend extensive trainings/workshops/seminars, and gain profound international exposure through conferences and immersion in international collaborators.
Assoc. Prof. Joseph Ortenero, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
De La Salle University
More than just being surrounded with passionate and hardworking peers, being exposed to several trainings and seminars, my experience in LEE has prepared me to become the researcher I am today. I have developed a love for the profession to the extent that I strive to exemplify every opportunity I get. And the best part is that I get to do something that I am fond of and definitely am proud of.
Engr. Jazer Togonon, M.Sc.
PhD Student
Synchrotron SOLEIL,
Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux (ICMCB)
Through LEE's international collaboration, I was able to develop my research skills on electrochemical measurements and materials characterization for energy storage and conversion systems, which gave me an edge later on when I applied for Ph.D. in Chemistry at Case Western Reserve University.
Desiree Mae Prado, R.Ch., M.Sc.
Ph.D. Candidate/Teaching Assistant
Department of Chemistry
Case Western Reserve University
Visiting Researcher (2022)
B.A. in Chemistry and Physics
Harvard University Engineering