PROTEUS representative
Dr. Lawrence Limjuco
shared the project's objectives, outputs, and updates with the audience – mainly composed of congressional staff and NRCP fellow researchers. Dr. Limjuco, co-project leader of PROTEUS, represented project leader Dr. Joey Ocon. Full-time senior science research specialists Samboy Anonas, Darwin Eugenio, and Benjemar Flores also attended the two-day event. PROTEUS project staff member
Atty. Paul Balite also participated in the PROTEUS' presentation.
The said research forum was primarily sponsored by the chairs of the following committees: Science and Technology led by Hon. Carlito S. Marquez (Aklan 1st District), Bases Conversion led by Hon. Faustino "Inno" A. Dy V (Isabela 6th District), and Visayas Development led by Hon. Lolita Karen T. Javier (Leyte 2nd District).
The open forum generally focused on the sharing and utilizing the waste-to-energy policy and techno-economy research as bases of legislative and policy actions, in whatever form. During the open forum, some audience members raised concerns prompting PROTEUS team members to address these. The House of Representatives was in recess during the forum, hence most of the representatives, except for the sponsors, were represented by their congressional staff.