LEE members attended the ChE Department’s First Distinguished Speaker Seminar. The seminar was one of the initiatives of the ChE Dept under Dr. Joey Ocon’s leadership. The goal of the seminar series is to expose the ChE students, both graduate and undergraduate students alike, to the different research work done outside the department, and to encourage interdisciplinary research.
Attendees of the Distinguished Speaker Lecture of Dr. Mike Promentilla
Dr. Promentilla gave a talk about the research work they’re doing regarding circular economy and chemical engineering. It is relevant because it gives the idea that there’s more than to just doing the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. With circular economy, the raw-material-to-product concept of linear economy is challenged. This is relevant considering that with the increase in population, minimizing pollution brought about by manufacturing is necessary.
Every month from here on, ChE Department will be holding its Distinguished Speaker Seminar.