(Back, L-R: Junji Lidasan, Audrey Raposa, Paulo Cudal, Karl Gandionco, Jethro Pascasio, Eugene Esparcia, Julie Del Rosario, Jazer Togonon, Des Su-an, Cor Divinagracia, Ralph Luzadas, JM Mora, Jim Futalan, Ralph Villa , Sam Matuba; Front, L-R: Drei Soriano, Renz Dela Cruz, Rey Arizala, Miko Guiamano, Marc Labata, Goran Tomacruz, Diwata Ronda, Katherine Yumul, Cynthia Sikat)
Last December 9, 2016, the Laboratory of Electrochemical Engineering held a year-end party at Room D208 to kick off the holidays and to give thanks to the blessings received in the past year. They enjoyed a wonderful feast and fun-filled games organized by the members, and even arranged a gift exchanging activity as an advanced celebration to the approaching Christmas season.
Laboratory head, Prof. Joey Ocon, was not able to attend the party due to his two (2) month research stay at the Reiner Lemoine Institute in Berlin, Germany; nevertheless, he did not fail to make his presence felt by sending a small gift to the members to make the party even more festive. Present during the celebration were the laboratory manager, Asst. Prof. Julie Anne Del Rosario, along with PCARI research fellows, LEE graduate and undergraduate students, and several administrative employees of the Department of Chemical Engineering.
After the party ended, the group decided to continue the celebration and went to I’m a Singer Family KTV and Restaurant in Matalino St., Quezon City for a night of singing, drinking, and bonding with fellow laboratory members. “It was a good change to be with lab members just having fun, and not discussing anything work or academics related” said research fellow, Miko Guiamano. Another research fellow, Jim Futalan, said that “it was a night of fun, but fun is an understatement”.