Last March 24-31, 2017, Prof. Joey Ocon together with Prof. Rinlee Butch Cervera of ACL, went to the US to meet with research collaborators in the academe and R&D laboratory. They first visited University of California Merced (UCM) to discuss the ongoing research activities and progress of UP visiting scholars conducting researches at the Thermal and Electrochemical Energy Laboratory (TEEL). From January to May 2017, two research fellows from LEE are working in collaboration with other TEEL members on PCARI-related researches. At UCM, they met with Prof. Po-Ya Abel Chuang, head of TEEL and PCARI US counterpart Principal Investigator, to further discuss future project plans and activities.
Prof. Joey Ocon and Prof. Rinlee Butch Cervera on a meeting with Prof. Po-Ya Abel Chuang at UC Merced to discuss about research activities and strengthen collaboration between UPD and UCM.
After the visit at UCM, the PCARI project leaders along with Prof. Chuang, went to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. During their visit, they met with Dr. Bryan Pivovar, head of NREL’s fuel cell R&D project, and the rest of his team. During their meeting, they discussed the possible research collaboration between UPD and NREL as well as the training of Filipino researchers in NREL. Prof. Ocon also made a presentation to introduce the research activities of LEE and the PCARI project to the NREL fuel cell team.
Prof. Ocon, Prof. Cervera, and Prof. Chuang posed for a photo together with Dr. Pivovar and his fuel cell R&D team at NREL after their group meeting and presentation.
From left to right: Prof. Cervera, Dr. Pivovar, Prof. Ocon, and Prof. Chuang at NREL
After all the productive meetings and presentations, the project leaders made a side trip to Keystone Ski Resort. They enjoyed the day skiing along the snow-clad mountain slopes at Colorado.
L-R: Prof. Cervera, Prof. Chuang, and Prof. Ocon posed for a photo with their ski equipment and gears on with the beautiful snow-laden Colorado vista in the background.